Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Emirates Commercial with Cristiano and Pele is Top Notch.

If I were forced to make a commercial with Pele and Cristiano, the 3rd and maybe 7th greatest player in the history of the game, the result would be the Emirates commercial. For those that know me as an Argentinean and Barcelona fan, such a commercial would be expected.
The elements of the commercial are just as i would have depicted them.
1. The two biggest egos in football getting deflated by the other presence.
2. Ignoramus fans that fail to equally acknowledge the presence of great players in their own right.
3. Seemingly proper stiff older generation Brit fans with all the facts.
4. Yuppie Brit fan of Indo/Pak origin.

Yes they all travel Emirates Business!

The EK agency obviously got short-changed in the past and is taking revenge!